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The summer lull

It's the middle of summer, so it's a bit quieter around here: the politicians are on holiday (or fighting leadership battles), the journalists are busy finding fun stories and I'mcatching up on paperwork.

We're still making podcasts every week, but we're also looking at what else we can provide. The first is to work again on transcribing, which you can see here: if that proves not too time-consuming, then we'll get them all done.

The second development is to start on interviewing some people for you.

During next week, I'm coming up to London to meet some of the organisations and bodies involved in the referendum debate. I'll give myself a bit more leeway on times, so you'll hopefulyl have a nice 15-20 minute piece with each of them, so you can learn more about their ideas.

Assuming that works, and that you give me some positive feedback, I'll follow that up with interviews with politicians, academics and other people of interest: again, suggestions are always welcome.


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